
Hampton Court

Hampton Court Palace is one of the major tourist attractions in England. It is a Tudor palace situated on the left bank of the River Thames.

It was built in 1514 by Thomas Wolsey who was Archbishop of York and Lord Chancellor of England. He was a powerful man both in the church and in the state. Unfortunately, Wolsey couldn’t enjoy the palace for a long time. King Henry VIII was very angry with him, particularly when he failed to help Henry to divorce his first queen. As he wanted to retain the king’s favour, he gave Henry the palace, but it was no good. Wolsey died in disgrace in 1530.

Henry VIII enlarged Hampton Court and lived there with five of his six wives. Two of them are said to haunt the palace: Jane Seymour, his third wife, who died after giving birth to a son, and Catherine Howard, his fifth wife, who was beheaded.

Many kings and queens lived in this palace which is now open to the public.

Hampton Court is beautifully decorated. You can see portraits, weapons and pieces of armour. Antonio Verrio, a great Italian artist, painted the ceiling of the King’s Bedroom and the King’s Staircase. The palace has got wonderful gardens. If you visit it, don’t forget the famous Maze, which was planted in the 18th century. But try not to get lost in the twisting paths with their high hedges!

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