
Composition (Pre- Intermediate)

A magazine is asking its readers to write about their sleeping habits and a dream or a nightmare they have had. Write an article.

Paragraph 1

Talk about your sleeping habits.
How many hours do you sleep at night? Are they enough?
Do you generally take naps?
Do you snore or talk in your sleep?
How often do you dream?
How often do you have nightmares?

Paragraph 2

When did you last have a dream / nightmare?
What was it about?
Where were you?
Were you alone?
When did you wake up?
How did you feel about it?

Vocabulary connected with sleeping.

To fall asleep
To go to sleep
To have a nap / siesta
To walk in your sleep
To sleep lightly
To sleep deeply
To be a light sleeper
To be a heavy sleeper
To sleep like a log
To oversleep
To talk in your sleep
To snore
To wake up
To yawn

Tips (paragraph 2)

Use past simple, past continuous and past perfect
Use linking words: first, then, later, just then...
Use words such as: I dreamed that..., I thought that...

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