

From arneheijenga

  1. Do you often use the Internet?
  2. About how many hours a day do you use the Internet?
  3. Have you ever bought something using the Internet?
  4. Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet?
  5. Do you use the Internet for fun or education?
  6. What are the sites you most commonly access?
  7. What problems does the Internet create? What problems does it solve?
  8. Have you ever chatted on the Internet?
  9. Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet?
  10. Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?
  11. Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? Why?
  12. Can you believe all the information that is published on the Internet?
  13. Do you think that it is a good or bad habit for young people to play computer games?
  14. Do you think that some people spend too much time on the Internet and does this stop them from seeing their friends? Why?
  15. Many Universities are now offering online courses. Give me some reasons why this is a good thing.
  16. How has the Internet changed society?
  17. How can the Internet help you learn English? Do you take advantage of this?
  18. What is your favorite "news" site?
  19. What Internet sites do you visit regularly?
  20. Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer? Do you have both?
  21. Do you use your computer when you do homework for school?
  22. What do you use a computer for?
  23. Do you use e mail?
  24. Do you have a Facebook account?
  25. How often do you access it?
  26. How many friends do you have?
  27. What computer games have you played?
  28. Which are your favorites?
  29. Do you know what a blog is?
  30. Do you have one?
  31. Mention medical problems that can arise from using computers.

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