

* The gerund can be used as subject of a sentence.

Living in Japan is expensive.
Smoking is bad for your health.

* Prepositions + gerund

He left without saying goodbye.
After having breakfast, she went to the office.

* Expressions and verbs + preposition + gerund

What about going to the club?
They are used to getting up early.
She is good / bad at swimming.
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
They were accused of robbing a bank.
She is fond of playing the piano.
Do you feel like going for a swim?

* After certain verbs such as admit, avoid, consider, deny, imagine, involve, miss, postpone, suggest, etc.

He admitted being jealous.
He is considering buying a country house.
Imagine yourself lying on the beach.
I miss riding my horse.

* After like, dislike, love, hate, enjoy (to talk about general preference)

I like painting.
I hate cooking.

(BUT: I like swimming.
I would like to swim.)

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