
Infinitive or Gerund?

* Some verbs are followed by infinite or gerund without a change in meaning.

He began to sing / singing.
He didn’t bother to ask / asking for permission.
It started to rain / raining.
They continued to talk / talking until 12.30.

* Some verbs are followed by infinitive or gerund with a change in meaning.

Stop + infinitive = stop in order to do something else.
When she got to the top of the mountain, she stopped to take a photo.

Stop + gerund = not continue.
Stop talking, please.

Try + infinitive = attempt
He tried to do the exercise but it was very difficult.

Try + gerund = experiment.
If you have a headache, try taking an aspirin.

Remember + infinitive = not forget, remember that you must do something.
Did you remember to send the invitation?

Remember + gerund = recall, remember what you have done.
I remember breaking my leg when I was a child.

Forget + infinitive = not remember
I forgot to buy the book. I have to go out again.

Forget + gerund = not recall
He’ll never forget meeting his favourite actress.

Regret + infinitive = be sorry that you must do something.
I regret to say / to inform you that you have failed the exam.

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