
Picture 10 (Intermediate)



Some people are afraid of rats, snakes or spiders. Do they frighten you? Why? Why not?
What other insects or animals are people afraid of?
What were people afraid of in the past?
What are people afraid of nowadays?
Were you scared of the dark when you were a child? Why?
What other things are children scared of?
Talk about a frightening film you have seen.
Do you have an irrational fear of anything? How does it affect your life? Have you ever tried to get rid of your fear?
Do you feel afraid of anything when you think about the future?
Imagine you have a friend who is afraid of going to see the dentist, what would you say to her / him?

Words connected with fear.

I’m a little bit afraid of storms.
Some people are frightened of snakes.
She stood there petrified while the rat came nearer.
He is scared of flying in a helicopter.
She was absolutely terrified at the thought of being in a dark room.

Photos by: DRB62 , Rafael... , Blake707 and Keith...

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